Arena Academy’s Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme is reviewed by the Deputy Head Teachers and the Careers Leader. Reports are submitted to the senior leadership team and governors. The overall effectiveness of the CEIAG programme is assessed using the Career and Enterprise Compass tool and the Gatsby Benchmarks, paying due regard to the Statutory Guidance 2018, ‘Careers guidance and access for education and training providers’. The results are used to inform improvement priorities and plan developments year-on-year.
We seek feedback from learners and staff about the relevance of the CEIAG programme and Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) provided and the materials used. This evaluation is reviewed by the Careers Leader, and is used to resource relevant gaps in the provision. The methods we will use to gain feedback are:
• Social media comments and discussion
• Feedback to parents / carers including telephone calls, postcards and quick surveys
• Focus groups
• Student World of Work Council feedback
• Online surveys
• Impact measures
• Feedback postcard at the end of drop-ins and booked appointments
• Using destination measures data to help us to measure our success in supporting learners to take up higher education, vocational learning or apprenticeships and to allow for the review of the possible reasons for any student becoming Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET)
Through our careers programme, we aim for all of our students to be instilled with the confidence and knowledge to support them in making decisive, fully informed decisions about their future career pathways.