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Year 9 is an extremely important year for students as it is when they make their Guided Choices. They are deciding which subjects they would like to carry on studying at GCSE. This is an information page for year 9 students – and parents of those students – who are about to decide on their next stages at Arena Academy.

Deciding on which subjects to chose to study at Key Stage 4 is never easy, so we have put together a number of guides on how to choose those subjects, including presentations from the the different option subjects to help you decide.

Mathematics, English and Science are compulsory for all students. Students must then choose one of either History or Geography. The remaining subjects are their options. Below are the presentations that were shown to year 9 students during the Autumn term to help to guide their choices:

What are my options after Year 11?

Options Form

Please use this form to make your option choices:

Virtual Options evening slides

english baccalaureate information

Careers Advice:

There are many resources available that provide careers information.  We have signposted a few websites that are a good place to start.

Thinking of an Apprenticeship?

Check out these posters linking apprenticeships to subject areas.