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We ensure that all of our students receive an education that is appropriate to their needs, promotes high standards, and the fulfilment of potential.

We welcome all students from the local community, and want to offer everyone the opportunity to receive an outstanding education.

We are committed to working collaboratively with our school community to ensure that all of our students receive an education that is appropriate to their needs, promotes high standards, and the fulfilment of potential.

In creating an inclusive learning environment, our aim is that every child will:

  • Achieve their best.
  • Become confident individuals living fulfilling lives.
  • Make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training.

Further information regarding the ways in which we support our students with Special Educational Needs and/ or Disabilities (SEND), as well as useful information and resources on how to support young people with SEND in school and at home, is available below. You will also find a link to to Birmingham City Council’s Local Offer, which provides help, advice and information about the services available for your child.

If you have any feedback, or would like any further support, please do not hesitate to contact SENDCo Mrs K Whitehouse.

Mr Ahmed SENDCo  [email protected]   Tel: 0121 729 7310 EXT:1129  
Mrs H Swann Deputy SENDCo and Medical Lead  [email protected] 
Mrs N Smith  Teaching Assistant  [email protected]  
Miss P Maher  Teaching Assistant  [email protected]  
Mrs F KhalilTeaching Assistant[email protected]
Ms T Kaur  Teaching Assistant  [email protected]   
Miss A Qureshi Teaching Assistant [email protected] 

All of our teachers receive appropriate training related to SEND, and are ready to adapt their lessons to cater for your child’s needs. The SENDCo at Arena Academy leads the SEND Team who are based in the SEND Hub. The SEND Team work together with all staff to provide the best possible support for all students.


Opportunities are provided to share information to key staff in order to provide pre-plan support for students identified through transitional meetings with primary schools and parents.

Additional transitional visits are arranged to meet key staff.

SENDCo Mr Ahmed coordinates the transition for identified SEND students and where applicable attends primary review meetings. 

Any enquires about SEND transition, parents should contact K Whitehouse after the Whitson Holiday.

Year 5 Parents with children who have an EHCP’s should contact Mr Ahmed during the 1st academic term.

Below are SEND newsletters that are available for download.

Birmingham City Council Local Offer

Help, advice and information about the services available for your child or young person from birth to 25 years with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).

Local Area SEND Newsletter



The Communication and Autism Team is made up of Teachers and Autism Advisory Practitioners who support children, young people and their families, schools and SENCo’s to develop positive outcomes for pupils.

All Birmingham maintained schools and academies have an allocated Communication and Autism Team Professional.

CAT Parent Offer Leaflet

About us

We are a team of professionals applying psychologically informed evidence-based practice to support the learning and development of children and young people from birth to early adulthood.   We provide a traded service to schools, early years settings and other educational establishments (via an annual subscription package) across the city and offer them access to a wide range of training courses.

We are also the sole provider commissioned by Birmingham City Council to carry out statutory work (as part of the EHC assessment process) in order to identify, assess and monitor children, young people and young adults with complex special educational needs.


How we can help

  • Consultation to schools and settings (individual/ staff groups and strategic)
  • Provide assessment and intervention for children, young people and young adults
  • Supporting families to understand complex special educational needs
  • Helping families to understand and manage challenging behaviour
  • Providing adult learning and professional development opportunities.
    • Forms of contact
    • Telephone
    • Email
    • In writing via written reports where agreed/ appropriate
    • Home visits where agreed
    • Attendance at setting-based review meetings where agreed with the setting
    • Meeting at family forums and drop-ins How to access the service;
    Talk to the Headteacher or Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) at your child’s school or setting.
    For further information regarding the services we provide visit the Birmingham Educational Psychology Service website –

About us 

We work with children and young people with cognition and learning difficulties, and specific learning difficulties.

How we can help 

  • provide support for parents and families,
  • help schools to identify issues early and provide the right support,
  • offer advice and support to settings to develop good practice,
  • provide advice to schools and settings on strategies to enhance teaching and learning, including early years and post-16,
  • support to understand children’s SPLD and cognition and learning needs,
  • professional development and training for settings to support children and young people.
  • Forms of Contact
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • In writing
  • Attendance at meetings
  • Support at family forums and drop-ins How to access the service 

PSS Parent Offer Leaflet

How we can help

  • advice on children accessing the curriculum and adapting the educational environment,
  • recommend and advise on resources and equipment which will support children and help them to progress,
  • liaise with health professionals to ensure schools have the knowledge and training to keep children and young people safe,
  • ensure your child’s voice is heard and reflected in their provision and outcomes.


How to access the service

  • talk to the Special Educational Needs & Disability Coordinator (SENDCo) at your child’s school or setting, or
  • contact Sandra Paddock at [email protected]

PDSS Parent Leaflet

Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Advice Line

Advice and strategies to support parents, carers, schools and other professionals in relation to a child or young person’s communication needs or eating and drinking concerns.

The child or young person you are calling about must be aged 0-18 years.

Call: 0121 466 6231

Open Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm

Chatter Pack

Free Speech and language, OT, and many other SEND resources for families and schools

Jolly Phonics

Phonics, spelling, punctuation and grammar resources.

Spelling Frame
Spelling Activities and games

The World of David Walliams
Free activity sheets

Sensory App House

A range of apps are available for students with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) or Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD). All are interactive and many do not require significant coordination abilities.

Teaching Visually Impaired Students

A range of downloadable resources to support blind and visually impaired pupils.

OAK National Academy
Lessons with video support and tasks to complete.

BBC Bitesize
Lessons, learning resources and educational games.

Parents can sign up and create a free account with lots of resources to print at home.

White Rose Maths
Maths lessons.

Help Kidz Learn
A collection of games and resources designed for a range of educational needs and stages.