Whisper is the anonymous service that lets you report a problem you may have at school or at home. Whether it be bullying, cyber bullying, issues at home or concerns about other fellow students.

This service may be used by students, staff, parents or carers. You can access Whisper by clicking this link: https://swgfl.org.uk/whisper/cki1/
The service consists of a website button / link that launches an online dialogue-box to capture information or details for anyone who needs to report issues to the school. That information is then sent to an email address nominated by the school. Alternatively, a text service is available. Both services can be regarded as anonymous if the user chooses to withhold their personal information.
To report a problem either click on the Whisper icon to be taken to a secure web form or alternatively send an anonymous text by texting: 07860 021 323
Sharing things that upset you is not always an easy thing to do. SWGfL Whisper is designed to act as another way you can tell a responsible adult at the school about any issues that you or others might be having. Sometimes that way might be easier than a face to face meeting.
This might include:
- You or someone else being bullied
- If you feel somebody at the school is at risk
- If you have a problem that you need to talk about to somebody
Please don’t use bad language as we may not receive your message: the school systems may filter and block things like swear words and stop your message getting to the Whisper account.